Is your teen ready for a breakthrough?

What if your teen could?

  • See failure as learning and growth
  • Treat themselves like a good friend when they make a mistake
  • Let go of what others think of them
  • Have the courage to try new things
  • AND let go of the need to be PERFECT

A Transformation for Teens

Let's Connect

What is the real impact of coaching for your teen?

  • A healthy relationship with failure, a willingness to try new things

  • Kind self talk even when things don’t work out

  • An ability to connect with others in true, healthy friendships

  • Decreased stress and anxiety around school and friends

  • A vision of who they really are

When your teen struggles to offer self compassion, you might see:

  • Negative self talk even when things are going well

  • Decreased desire to try new things

  • Social anxiety

  • Loneliness

  • Increased reliance on outside approval

A Transformation for Parents

Chat With Me

Parents, you have a greater ability to impact your teens self concept than you might think!

  • And I promise, this is good news!! Whether you are seeking coaching for your teen or for yourself, you will understand how to communicate in a way that reinforces self love.  You can’t make your teen love themselves, but you can sure make it easier for them.

  • One-on-one coaching and my parent e-course will help you:

    • Know what to say when your teen is down on themselves.

    • Have a greater capacity to listen and allow your teen to feel what they are feeling. 

    •  Honour and allow your own emotions, so that you're showing up as the parent you want to more of the time.

Get my "How to talk to your teen for better connection" guide

Transformations for Teens & Parents

  • 3 months of 1:1 coaching with me

  • 12 45 minute calls for your teen

  • 4 50 minute calls for you, the parent(s) 

  • Access to my parent e course

  • Messaging/email  access to me for 3 months

  • $2400

  • Book a free call below to see if it's a fit or to learn more about parent coaching

Work With Me


Alexander M.
10 Year Old Client

"Coaching has helped me understand my emotions and where they’re coming from and to be able to control them in different situations. I also understand and know that when people say things, they might not be true and I have more confidence with friends and people at school. Things people say don’t affect how I feel about myself as much and I see myself in a different way. I believe that I’m capable of handling things like emotional challenges. Coaching with Lindsay was great!"

Abigail P.
Teen Client

"Coaching has benefited me in so many ways! I am no longer afraid to mess up, and I am better able to process my emotions when they come up. I have also learned how to better work with myself when I am feeling unmotivated or am having a hard time doing something."

Brandi W.
Parent of Teens

"Lindsay is an amazing coach. She guides the conversation so naturally and always steers it exactly where I need it to go. She brings so much insight and I’ve really learned so much."





Pam T.
Mother of Tween Client

"I'm the mother of two wonderful daughters. My oldest is 10, and before we started working with Lindsay, she was really suffering from low self-esteem and really having a hard time relating to other kids at school. In fact, for a month or more before we started working with Lindsay, she came home every day from school crying. And even though she was continuing to get good grades, I couldn't convince her that she was smart or that she was doing well, or that she was fun to be around. Within a month, I started to see changes in my daughter's attitude towards school and towards herself. And it was really wonderful to see that she could see the good in herself again, that she was able to see that she is smart and that she can make friends at school. And to me, that's been the most precious gift. Lindsay has been absolutely wonderful. My daughter just adores her at this point. They have a great relationship and Lindsay's really great about checking in and telling you what's going on and letting you know her thoughts about the situation. I just think the world of Lindsay and, and the experience that we've had. I would without hesitation, recommend Lindsay to any parent that is having trouble with their kids."